A Deeper Love
A deeper love – commitment and partnership.
Why is this so scary?
What does this take away from me?
Will I no longer be free?
Who’s to say that I can still be me and not lose myself and all of my dreams?
I don’t want to be stuck inside a box, with no way out, no way to fill my soul.
Instead, following another and where they may lead me to go.
What happened to make this so difficult for me?
Seeing my mom being so stuck and controlled with only her family.
The anger, the chaos and all the uncertainty.
Not knowing where to turn and the options so few.
Moving from one corner to the next, all leading to dead ends.
This is where you must stay so find a way within.
If only I could let this go in its entirety.
Perhaps I would feel safe and secure still, within someone else’s arms.
And able to release control, trusting that this is a possibility.
Not always having to be my own backstop,
Taking matters into my own hands.
A time to feel rest and a shared sense of opportunity.
Now it’s my turn, now it’s yours, let’s relax and feel so certain.
We’ve been able to create a safe space behind our own unique curtain.
With true ease, a place to lay my head and yet be free to grow.
All that I want to be and no need for one big show.
A place where we can grow together, share our experiences and take on the world in an even greater way.
Release me from these shackles of which are my own creation.
The world becomes my pillow, lay my head down, feel it cradled.
While also allowing me to blossom to the most of my potential.
Let’s take one step, test it out, see what happens – forward motion.
One toe first, then a foot, then my full body with no commotion.
Sense the trust, hold my soul, look deeply into my eyes.
Keep it there, find a stare, understanding we are both wise.
Share with me, grow with me, be with me…
Set us free.
Photo Credit: Rob Dumont