Clarity and Calm in Chaotic Times
There is a lot of chaos happening in the outside world today, and as individuals we seem to need to do more and more to keep our clarity and wits about us. To be the calm in the storm and to not allow outside influences affect us so deeply as we go about our usual lives.
How do we keep moving forward when there’s so much craziness surrounding us and the world seems to be going to deeper and darker places?
I do my best when I stay in my own lane, continue to focus on what I need to do to hold alignment and clarity, feel and process my emotions and allow them to move through me, and only then go outside to support others around me. Or make decisions on my next steps. I stay in my body as much as possible and from there am able to listen more closely to what my intuition tells me. I make my next move when I’m feeling grounded – based on my values and inner guidance – and stay true to my integrity without allowing myself to get swayed by everything and everyone around me.
This can be extra challenging with the amount of movement I take on a regular basis from place to place, although I ensure that I am rooted down in my daily routines and structure, as well as within my continual connections to myself and my nearest and dearest.
This week seems to be even more intense than usual – the energies being extra strong, swirling around us in an astrological storm of eclipses (at least that’s what my trusted mentors have been sharing – I am not an expert).
So where do I go? To beautiful places and spaces, whether I’m in the middle of a city like LA – to nature – the sand, sun, beauty and the beach. To a calming refuge in my current home, inspiring atmospheres of interior design stores and cafes around the urban jungle, and conversations with my direct and chosen family around the world.
And from here, I’m able to continue to work on myself, my chosen projects, and support others in the ways that feel most nourishing for me.
Sending peace and love to all people and the planet now and always.