Decisions for Love vs. from Fear
Video Transcription:
It is easy to get caught up in a cycle of reactivity, worry, and negative thinking, which originates from our evolution as a species to survive, and tendency to go into fight or flight mode. The greater challenge seems to arise when a situation takes place and we must take a step back, objectively review and understand what is happening, and then act from a more secure, grounded and loving place.
This is a topic that I have pondered over a lot while observing and resting for two months during the quiet quarantine days of recent times, but also during the days leading up to it, based on various circumstances and relationships in my life that have come together in interesting ways. Generally speaking, when something amazing has happened to me it’s become almost an inside joke as you’ll often hear me saying “Life is so funny”, and it’s usually been a result of acting for love versus fear.
Here are a few of my thoughts:
Abundance, Abundance, Abundance
One of my core values is abundance, which to me means knowing that the universe has my back and will always provide in one way or another, exactly how it is meant to. Now this isn’t something that came easily to me, as I grew up experiencing a lot of lack, not knowing what was possible but trying to survive as best I could. So for a long time into my adult years, I would spend so much energy worrying about the littlest things, about not having enough, about not being enough, or that I wouldn’t be able to find a way if I needed something.
But what I started to notice along my journey was that whenever I really needed something to happen, once I fully let go and put my trust in it, things would fall into place. Now don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t taking my hands off the steering wheel – I’ve always tackled life leading with intent and proactively putting my energy into the world, but I stopped focusing so much on what I DIDN’T have, and more on what I did. This is helped along in my current daily routine of showing gratitude, to remind myself of all that exists in this world that provides.
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
So to add to that, what I’ve found is that either way – if you’re thinking of what bad things could happen to you, or on the flip side, all the good things that could happen to you – you will create that reality. Have you ever worried yourself sick about something, until it actually happened? Or have you dreamed of something you wanted so badly that you took all of the steps to focus on it until it came to be? There are two sides to every coin, and either way, you are in charge of creating your life and the direction that you are moving in.
Decisions Made Easier
So one of the more difficult decisions that I had to make recently was whether or not I was going to stay on my favourite island in the world in Thailand or make my way back to Vancouver, Canada, to ride out the pandemic, when I realized that this wasn’t going to be a short term circumstance (and yes, I realize that this decision comes from a place of great privilege – I do not take that for granted). My focus was to pay attention to what was preferable for me based on my love for that direction, and not out of fear. Thoughts ran through my head from – what if we run out of supplies on this island, or what if I can’t leave at some point and I am literally stuck here for the long term (even though it’s gorgeous and natural, and would be my second choice right now, after the fact).
But what I also knew was that I wanted to go towards what I loved – my family, my close friends, and once I had a FaceTime call with my then 1-year old nephew and saw him lean towards my face on the screen to “kiss” me, I knew immediately that I wanted to go back. I felt much more at peace with that decision, knowing that I was doing it out of love, versus running away or moving in the opposite direction out of fear.
Heart-Centered Action
From here, the possibilities really are endless. Focusing on forward motion to move towards love and joy seems to always lead to the best results, or at least the best journey, which is what matters most to me. Even if things don’t turn out the way that you hope or expect at a given time, I feel that my experiences have shown me that the place where these types of decisions are coming from have only propelled me towards what’s in the best interest of not only myself, but others, in all aspects of my life – business, relationships, travel, and everything in between.
To summarize, my mantra for making decisions for love vs from fear includes thoughts around:
- Abundance, Abundance, Abundance
- Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
- Decisions Made Easier
- Heart-Centered Action
Now it’s your turn.
What’s one decision you’ve made recently where you’ve chosen to move towards love rather than away from fear and how did that turn out? #scalinglove. If you acted due to lack, how could you have shown up and made that decision for love instead? What would lead you to noticing your own moments of “Life is so funny?”
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Thanks for joining me on my journey and I’ll be back again here soon to continue to learn, share, and grow with you!
May we all live a life that shatters the status quo – our own umami journeys.