Holding onto the Past and Our Place in Time
This morning, I was pondering how as we move through the stages of grief to acceptance, many of us seem to be both looking back to and holding on to the past (as I first noticed was happening to me). And not the recent past even, but long, long ago, to our memories of long lost days, as children, as we were growing up and learning how to navigate the world we were faced with, and how it compares to what we must do all over again. We are facing a new world, to maneuver in completely different ways; so once more we are like children, or teenagers, or even young adults, trying to figure out the ways of the world and what might happen next. For this upcoming stage of our life.
But it’s not another step in what we feel is part of growing up, on our journey through our life phases, but what has been set upon us, to throw us for another loop. Instead it makes us realize that time does not matter the way we thought it did – so what if you’re done your teen years, or you’re already well into your 30s, or a senior. We have been thrown back to what feels like those same years again, with a different external world in the mix.
To me, this just reveals how time is not necessarily linear, but a backdrop against which we can choose where to be placed and how to react and live. In reality, it will continually shift (and has always been shifting), with new technologies, discoveries, challenges, and solutions – it is just a matter of the amount of this shift and the speed at which we are willing to accept and adapt our place within it.
So here in this time warp, we all stand together, thrown a little further off base of the infinite loop, being reminded and learning once again that we cannot take for granted the bigger picture and our place in the universe.